Docker Examples

Basic Example

The following is a basic example of using rpxy with docker-compose, serving whoami container as a backend application.

You can run the following commands to start the containers.

% docker-compose up -d -f docker-compose.yml

Specifically, the following is the configuration:

  • rpxy listens on port 80 and 443
    • HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3 are supported.
    • HTTPS redirection is enabled.
    • TLS Certificates are automatically obtained from Let’s Encrypt.
  • whoami listens on port 8000, which is not exposed outside.
  • rpxy forwards requests to whoami container based on the hostname and TLS SNI.
  • rpxy logs are saved in ./log directory.
  • rpxy cache is saved in ./cache directory.
  • rpxy ACME certificates and private keys are saved in ./acme_registry directory.
  • rpxy configuration is saved as ./config/rpxy.toml


    image: jqtype/rpxy:latest
    container_name: rpxy
    init: true
      - 80:80/tcp
      - 443:443/tcp
      - 443:443/udp # http/3
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
      - HOST_USER=ubuntu
      - HOST_UID=1000
      - HOST_GID=1000
      - LOG_LEVEL=debug
      - LOG_TO_FILE=true
      - WATCH=true
      - ./config:/rpxy/config:ro               # for config
      - ./log:/rpxy/log                   # for log
      - ./cache:/tmp/rpxy:rw                   # for cache
      - ./acme_registry:/rpxy/acme_registry:rw # for acme

    image: jwilder/whoami
    container_name: whoami
    restart: always
        max-size: "10m"
        max-file: "3"
    expose: # expose port 8000 for rpxy (not for host and outside)
      - 8000


#       rust-rxpy configuration        #
#         Global settings         #
listen_port = 80
listen_port_tls = 443

#         Backend settings        #

server_name = ''
reverse_proxy = [
  { upstream = [
    { location = 'whoami:8000', tls = false },
  ] }
tls = { https_redirection = true, acme = true }

#      Experimantal settings      #


cache_dir = '/tmp/rpxy/cache' # default is "./cache" relative to the current working directory

email = ""